N. Angleitner, C. Geiersbach, C. Heitzinger, G.Tulzer.
EllipticFEM.jl -- a FEM Solver for Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic PDEs, in the Julia programming language. (not maintained)
Oberwolfach workshop Data-driven Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Dynamical Systems
12.2024 ♦ Oberwolfach, Germany
PGMO Days 2024, Shape optimization and optimal control section
11.2024 ♦ Paris-Saclay, France
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty section
7.2024 ♦ Montreal, Canada
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24), Efficient solution schemes for optimization of complex systems under uncertainty section
2.2024 ♦ Trieste, Italy
XVI ICSP 2023, Advances of stochastic dominance theory and applications section
7.2023 ♦ Davis, CA, USA
PGMO Days 2022, New developments in optimal control theory section
11.2022 ♦ Paris-Saclay, France
GAMM 2022, Optimization of differential equations section (keynote presentation)
8.2022 ♦ Aachen, Germany
ICCOPT 2022, PDE Constrained Optimization with Nonsmooth Structures session
7.2022 ♦ Bethlehem, PA, USA
15th Viennese Conference on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, Continuous optimization: theory and applications minisymposium
7.2022 ♦ Vienna, Austria
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), PDE-Constrained Optimization Under Uncertainty minisymposium
4.2022 ♦ Virtual
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS22), Stochastic Iterative Methods for Inverse Problems minisymposium
3.2022 ♦ Virtual
15th International Conference on Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, UQ in free boundary problems session
9.2021 ♦ Virtual
International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods, Shape and topology optimization session
7.2021 ♦ Virtual
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Risk-averse PDE-constrained optimization session
3.2021 ♦ Virtual
Oberwolfach workshop Challenges in optimization with complex PDE-systems
2.2021 ♦ Virtual
WIAS workshop PDE constrained optimization under uncertainty and mean field games
1.2020 ♦ Berlin, Germany
Konstanz Workshop on Optimal Control
12.2019 ♦ Konstanz, Germany
International Conference on Stochastic Programming XV
7.2019 ♦ Trondheim, Norway
International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
7.2019 ♦ Valencia, Spain
Workshop: modelling and simulation in science in KAUST
2.2019 ♦ Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
GAMM 2019
2.2019 ♦ Vienna, Austria
Oberwolfach workshop Surface, bulk, and geometric partial differential equations: interfacial, stochastic, non-local and discrete structures
1.2019 ♦ Oberwolfach, Germany
4th Central European Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Meeting
11.2018 ♦ Marburg, Germany
5th European Conference on Computational Optimisation
9.2018 ♦ Trier, Germany
Oberwolfach workshop New Directions in Stochastic Optimization
8.2018 ♦ Oberwolfach, Germany
Women in Shape 3: Modeling Objects in 2D and 3D workshop
7.2018 ♦ Trier, Germany
14th Viennese Conference on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games
7.2018 ♦ Vienna, Austria
European Conference on Stochastic Optimization
9.2017 ♦ Rome, Italy